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  • by nicole ma January 2, 2019
    11月15日,北京統計局北京調查組和國家統計局公布了北京前10個月的經濟運行情況。其中,在房地產建設和銷售方面,1月至10月,全市新建商品房面積17403萬平方米,下降1.7%,其中商品房銷售461.4萬平方米,下降24%。在“金九銀十”的悲哀結局下,多渠道住房供應,以及北京固定資產投資領域的保障性住房投資,市場觀望情緒逐漸增強。北京房地產市場將逐步回歸理性。 金九銀十遇冷 今年北京房地產市場的黃金、白銀不足10件,北京的新房成交量在交易面積和成交數量上呈現下降趨勢,這是不爭的事實。據“每日經濟新聞”報道,今年國慶黃金周期間,北京簽署了235...
  • by nicole ma December 10, 2018
    在澳洲墨爾本時,知名房產專家龐帆先生曾跟拆哥說過,在一個城市買房,最重要的知道它相當於京滬的哪裏——房價規律是普適的,即找准定位,則投資無虞。有人說過,房子很多時候是階層的象征。在一個城市最高的象征,無疑就是住在類似京城的央區東西城。對於西安人來說,繞城高速以內就像一張攤開的大餅。在哪裏買房,區域的對標顯得尤為重要。 西安的城市布局和北京稍有不同,座次排位為:城南>城北>城東>城西。拆哥細分來說: 高新區——雖然地處南二、三環之間,學區第一,高端產業第一,現代化程度第一。恰好位於房價的最高原。區域地處西安中軸線西側,可謂之“西城區...
  • by nicole ma September 8, 2016
    One of my patients, a successful businessman, tells me that before his cancer he would become depressed unless things went a certain way. Happiness was "having the cookie." If you had the cookie, things were good. If you didn't have the cookie, life wasn't worth a damn. Unfortunately, the cookie kep...
  • by nicole ma August 15, 2016
    Brand concept of new media New media is a relative concept, it is a new media form after the traditional media such as newspapers, radio, television and so on, including network media, mobile media, digital TV and so on. New media is a broad concept, the use of digital technology, network technology...
  • by nicole ma August 5, 2016
    Consumption of edible oil market changes With economic development, people's living standards have been significantly improved, and gradually from eating well to eat well. Edible oil as cooking essential, in recent years, market development also with consumer demand have changed greatly, the healthy...