IPL Laser Hair Removal

Posted by nicole ma January 29, 2021

Filed in Announcements 108 views

Ellipse professional hair removal equipment is suitable for all body areas including arms, underarms, back, chest, bikini line, Brazilian as well as legs. This treatment offers painless permanent hair reduction delivering smooth skin for both male and females. The results and effects of this method of treatment can be seen after just one treatment.​ dermes hk Picture dermes價錢 Clinically proven, safe and effectively long-lasting Ellipse IPL hair removal treatment offers clinically-proven, safe and effective long-term removal of unwanted hair. Excellent hair clearance is obtained after only 4-6 treatments and clinical long term studies have proven that 77% hair is still away after 10 years. To achieve long lasting or permanent hair removal, it is necessary to destroy the hair follicle from which individual hairs grow. Controlled pulses of light penetrate the epidermis and are absorbed by melanin in the hair contained in the follicle. dermes價錢 Melanin converts the light energy into heat. This heat is transferred to the hair follicle, which is destroyed, making it unable to produce a new hair. Hair in the resting (telogen stage) are treated later. The treatment is only effective on growing hairs as these are still attached to the follicle. This technique is called “Selective Photo thermolysis”. dermes價錢The visible light produced by Ellipse I²PL systems is carefully controlled to ensure the correct pulse length, wavelengths and right amount of energy to destroy the follicle.

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