What tests can be done to screen for cancer? Only 8 tests are e

Posted by nicole ma December 24, 2020

Filed in Announcements 103 views

When people reach middle age, all body functions start to decline, especially after 40 years old, the immune function of the body declines faster and becomes the main group of tumor occurrence. Therefore, once you have passed 40 years old, it is recommended to do some targeted special examinations on top of the regular annual physical examination, which can help you detect 80% of cancers in advance and kill them truly in the cradle.

Experts say that eight of these targeted special examinations are most relevant to the public.

What tests can be done to screen for cancer? Just 8 tests are enough!

First, an annual thyroid ultrasound - to prevent thyroid tumor.

In recent years, the incidence of thyroid cancer in China has increased dramatically, especially for women, and the number of people suffering from thyroid cancer is increasing year by year. In fact, thyroid tumors are easier to be detected during physical examinations and only one thyroid ultrasound needs to be added. Therefore, it is recommended that adults, especially adult women, should have a thyroid ultrasound once a year.

From the age of 40 to 75, gastroscopy should be done once a year.


At present, the detection rate of early gastric cancer in China is only 5%~10%, compared with 40% in Korea and 50%~60% in Japan, the detection rate of early gastric cancer in China is quite low, and the reason for this is that Korea and Japan have made gastroscopy a routine medical examination item.

In China, people mainly rely on the fecal occult blood test in the routine physical examination, but when the occult blood test is really positive, most of the gastric cancers are already quite early, and the best way to detect gastric cancer and esophageal cancer through early detection is gastroscopy, and experts suggest that those aged 40-75 should have gastroscopy once a year, especially for patients suffering from chronic atrophic gastritis, gastric polyps and gastric mucosal intestinalization. is even more important.

Third, after the age of 40, first do a colonoscopy - to prevent intestinal cancer.

There are general international guidelines that people under 40 years old, whether they are sick or not, start colonoscopy, and if the test result is negative, they are not in the high-risk group and can do it again after 3-5 years.

The main purpose of colonoscopy is the early detection of colon cancer, and colonoscopy may lead to intestinal polyps or ulcers can also be solved once and for all.

After 40 years old, annual low-dose spiral CT of chest - to prevent lung cancer

Lung cancer has become the number one cancer incidence in China, after the age of 40, annual low-dose spiral CT of the chest - to prevent lung cancer early detection of lung cancer is especially critical, currently most medical checkups only perform chest X-ray to screen lung diseases, but its detection rate for early lung cancer below 1cm is extremely low and easy to be missed, it is recommended to use It is recommended to use low-dose spiral CT of the chest to screen for lung cancer, which is more effective.

It can detect nodal lesions larger than 5 mm, and can clearly show the form, blood supply, density and size of lung masses, and on this basis, it can roughly understand the nature of borderless lesions. It is recommended that people with problems above 40 years old should have a low-dose spiral CT of the chest once a year. Its radiation is within a safe management range, and people can do it without worrying about side effects.

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